VHS to Digital

Convert Your VHS Tapes To Digital Format

It is possible to make use of the VHS to Digital Conversion process in order to save your old VHS tapes and convert them into digital files. This option is not that difficult and it does save a great deal of money when compared with taking the time to store them on tapes. There are certain factors that have to be considered before making use of the VHS to Digital Conversion method.

VHS to Digital

Arranging Conversion

There are plenty of companies which deal with this process but the quality of the result is usually questionable. The pictures can be highly fuzzy and some other artifacts show up. The color range is often limited when converting from VHS to DVD. There can be a pale yellow appearance on the converted video. Also, the audio is usually distorted and sometimes non-existent. Converting from VHS to DVD can also create issues with video sync if the source has a wide frame.

In order to avoid these problems when converting tapes to DVD, it is better to get them from a professional company. There is software available on the market for doing this type of conversion. The only problem with this type of software is that the quality of the video output may suffer. Sometimes the video will be so poor that it actually looks worse than the original VHS video.

VHS to Digital

Arranging VHS to Digital

For those who are looking to get the best results possible from converting VHS to digital, it is important to use a professional. A professional knows how to do this type of conversion and can guarantee the best results. They will have the latest equipment and the latest technology. This ensures that your video will be as close to perfect as possible. The cost of having this done can be quite high. Therefore, you should look for a company that charges reasonable prices and offers good customer service.

Once you have gotten the VHS tapes to DVD, you need to find out what format is best for your video. Most home video studios and movie theatres prefer the WVP (Widescreen) format. You can save money if you can get your DVD in this format. However, if your home theater has a large screen or you watch a lot of videos this isn’t a good choice. The lossy compression methods used by some DVD companies cause this.

Overall Findings

The best way to make sure that your DVD comes out in the best quality possible is to have it converted from analog to digital. The conversion is more time consuming, but it will pay off in the long run. You will be able to watch your video on as many televisions as you want without having to pay the extra money for an HD TV. Best of all, you won’t have to worry about running into a budget to have the conversion done. With a little research you will be able to find a company that specializes in DVD to HD conversions.